Odense – Denmark, Jihlava – Czechia and Leuven – Belgium invites to IUW April 22-26th
There will be more information coming soon about IUW 2024, but in the meantime you can listen to this podcast episode, recorded in Girona – Spain, where the hosts of IUW 2024 talks about the topics of the upcoming IUWs:
You can also watch this podcast episode as a video:
UCL University College – Odense
Topic: Digitalization in Social work with vulnerable citizens.

In Odense we will explore the topic with these questions:
- Do we need increased understanding of technology and digital innovation within social work?
- Should we take a constructive and critical approach to the digital development and phenomena within the social field, including the use of algorithms and artificial intelligence?
- How does digitalization effect the dialogue, communication, trust etc between social worker and clients?
- How can social work benefit from the digital development?
College of Polytechnics Jihlava
Topic: Social Work in Mental Health Care

UCLL Leuven – Belgium
Topic: Human rights and social professionals – A never ending story

The department of Social Work Leuven, from UCLL will be hosting one of the International University Weeks in April 2024. Our week will focus on the topic “Human Rights & social professionals, a never ending story”. Human rights are considered as fundamental for social professionals. Moreover social work is defined as a’human rights profession’ since social workers are front-line workers who are on a daily base confronted with violations of human rights that affect the human dignity and social justice of vulnerable citizens.
We cordially invite the students and lecturers from of our partner institutions to join us during this week. In addition, 2 other international student projects will be running on our campus during that week, all covering the theme of ‘Human rights’ which makes it even more engaging for the students. Shared key note speakers, workshops, field visits and networking are among the rich features of these international days on our campus. We hope to welcome 50 students – along with UCLL students – and their lecturers to deepen our knowledge regarding this topic.