Norwegian welfare system

Norwegian welfare system

How does the Norwegian welfare system work? View Prof. Halvard Vikes intervju regarding the norwegian welfare system.   Answer these questions:

How does the Norwegian welfare system work?

View Prof. Halvard Vikes intervju regarding the norwegian welfare system.  

Answer these questions:

  • The U.S. has long been called “The land of immigrants” while Norway’s experiences with immigrants have been more recent.  In your view, how has Norway’s history with immigrants been, and what positive and negative affects has that created? 
  • Looking at the above referenced pages, there seems to be an emphasis on work in Norway, and in the U.S., this concept is also central in social welfare.  What do people mean when they emphasize work in both societies? 
  • In the U.S., the emphasis on mental health is relatively a recent phenomenon, could you discuss Norway’s concept of mental health as a part of the overall well-being of the individual?  The society?